Wednesday 31 August 2011


Is dis a fate?
The moment I met u,my mind was totally blank.
Looking at u,u looking at me.
At dat moment we both r jz lyk gt a shock.
I tin u r tinking the same tin v me,Y WILL MEET U???

I admit dat when I met u,I had a kind of weird feelings.
I cant explain wat is the feeling.
But nw I knew it.
I afraid of u.
I afraid all of the hurts dat u bring to me.

Luckily I'm tough.
I din cry dis time.
I even din tin bout it after I met u.
I jz realize dat I met u jz nw while on the way bac hm.

A smile appear on my face.
I'm letting down of u,letting down our relationship.
I believe my smile =) one day will bcome dis =D
Dat is the time I totally gv up on u.

Thursday 25 August 2011


Aloha people~!!

Yes,finally my exam is over~
3 weeks of sem break start from nw on.
Party rock !!

Went to Prangin Mall v my cousins jz nw.
Spent the time while waiting my cousin~

My cousin is going to Hatyai tomorrow.
Means dat i will b alone=(
But it's ok,I will find my own entertainment.

Ok,stop here.
Good Nitez All~~

Wednesday 17 August 2011


Recently i m having a very strange feelings.Don ask me y,bcz I dono too.

Everytimes I saw sometin bout u & her,the feelings came out again.I hate it seriously
Does dis means dat I m still care bout u?Well,I hope the ans is no.
I hope u & her are blessed,sincerely wishing u & her.
I jz want a break btw u & I.Without any relation.

 The one who hurts u the most is the person u <3 the most

I super agree dis sentences.
U hurt me a lots,it is uncountable.
The tears dat I drop for dis relationship is too much.
I rmb u asked me b4,am I hate u?
Seriously I m not.
Even I hate u,it cant lets me 4gt the hurts.NEVER

I thought I can b more generous,no matter hw many times u abandon me,I m still here 4 u.
But I cant do it.
I cant endure dat u r not treasure me at all.

Nowadays I had bcome more optimism.
Pessimistical plz go away!
At the same time,mayb i should say "Thank You" to u.
U gave me such a valuable experiences.
We had entangled for 6 years.It's time to stop everytin among us.
I believe dat I will deserve a much better person in the future. <3 
& Nw I Hv~

Saturday 13 August 2011


Today morning when I woke up,it's jz 8a.m.Still early rite?I tin most of my frenzs was still sleeping in dat time..
But,my sis-in-law asked me went to exercise v them(& oso my sis) 
Oh~~I m so sleepy,but I still going at last,v my 2 little nieces.

 Well,long time din exercise d.Feel so nice after sweating alot.=D

Alrite,gonna stop here.=) 
Hv a nice day ya.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Today is the last day of class in dis sem..My last class of dis sem is at 2.30pm..

Me & Peggy
After 2.30pm,my cousin & I went to Gurney to hv our lunch as both of us r very hungry d..

I had a KBS BB Cream,not so expensive,it jz cost me RM79.90,at least it is cheaper den the other dat I saw.

And my cousin challenge me to capture dis siao lang picha==

Bought Chatime b4 went bac=)

The Most Embrassing Tin  In My Life——— I Went Into The Male Toilet

I'm nw looking a hole to dig into.

Bye readers><""