Wednesday 31 August 2011


Is dis a fate?
The moment I met u,my mind was totally blank.
Looking at u,u looking at me.
At dat moment we both r jz lyk gt a shock.
I tin u r tinking the same tin v me,Y WILL MEET U???

I admit dat when I met u,I had a kind of weird feelings.
I cant explain wat is the feeling.
But nw I knew it.
I afraid of u.
I afraid all of the hurts dat u bring to me.

Luckily I'm tough.
I din cry dis time.
I even din tin bout it after I met u.
I jz realize dat I met u jz nw while on the way bac hm.

A smile appear on my face.
I'm letting down of u,letting down our relationship.
I believe my smile =) one day will bcome dis =D
Dat is the time I totally gv up on u.

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