Friday 17 August 2012


Such a long time I din update my blog, by right I'm here now to update as the mood came suddenly.XD
Currently I'm in exam period, I left one paper to go which is on 23th.
Although that,I'm in holidays mood. Such a bad feeling when someone around you had finished their exam,and just left you. =(

I do enjoy my life now, enjoying in their loves and their cares.(Their=Family and Friends).
How sweet it is.

Not much to introduce as I'm sure most of you are familiar with her.
My bestie aka roommate.=D

Love this much~^^
I realize that our communications has became very cute,
and also our relationship has began to another high levels.
Hahax!! Love her!

Although it was a few months ago,still love it.
By sisters and beloved.

By classmates.

Classmates which captured on Carol's Birthday.


The girl that called me 'Si Duah Pui" 

Carol Loo.
We name each other as "志同道合"

I HATE bad things,but unfortunately it happened in my family.
All of us were very sad and worry about her. God bless her.
Please don't bring her away from us, we just have lost the loves one within one year and don't want it happened again!! Things happened in a sudden.Hard to accept.

Monday 16 April 2012

Genting Trip~!!

It has been so long I didn't blog,din have any mood to update it.
Started my 1 month holiday since 2 weeks ago and I jz came bac from my Genting trip with my lovely roomate,Peggy.
I'm so excited of it,not because I have been so long din put my stepped on it,just that this time I can play anything at outdoor theme park.
Everytime I went thr with my family,I just can breath with it's fresh air and took it bac.=D

We arrived thr around 5a.m. before dawn,it was freeking cold and both of us had a tired face.
First we went to take the number for checking-in the hotel,0107 is our number,WOW we get a shock when saw this number~!!After that went to McD for having our breakfast.

Outfit for the 1st day,SHIT~I'm fat


After playing,it's time to check-in but we found that it's not our turn yet.==
It's 12pm ard,but the number still on going till 73 only.

Spend our time at Starbuck while waiting to check-in.

At last we able to check -in at around 2pm.

I had also bought some chocolates over there since it is my favourite.
Overall,I quite enjoy my trip XD On the way bac to my sweet home,thr was a strong earthquake hit Sumatera and this causes many area feel it too,SO SCARY~~!!

I like to SMILE after I remove my braces.

Thats all for this post,thx for viewing =))

Saturday 28 January 2012

Sad Case of Lee's Family.

First I have to say 'Happy Chinese New Year' to all readers,hope you all have a prosperity dragon year.

But too bad,for my family it wasn't  'happy'.
What I have to announce is my grandpa passed away before dawn on "Chu Er".
A very very sad case for our family.

I know he does not willing to leave us or don't want us anymore.
Just because that he has to follow the God to somewhere,at least he can meet my grandma.
He knew it was his day to leave,but he still stay strong just to meet my uncle,his eldest son.

Actually we got prepared for ourselves but we still hope that he can continue living.
Think positively,at least he still with us on the reunion day and this ends his suffering too.
I won't forget the day when I woke up and knew that grandpa has passed away,forever won't.

No more birthday celebration ='(

I Miss You,my lovely grandpa <3

Thursday 12 January 2012

Sem 2 is finished~!!That means I'm enjoying my holiday nw.
10 more days to go,sincerely bless that my grandpa can be with us this Chinese New Year,especially the traditional of Chinese,Reunion Dinner.
God,plz bless us,Lee's family.

Such an emo mood I have.Keep thinking all those useless things.
As what I say it's useless,so why do I keep thinking??
When I think of it,I  become very emo.Quiet all the time.


I blessed with ppl around me.I love them deeply.