Monday 16 April 2012

Genting Trip~!!

It has been so long I didn't blog,din have any mood to update it.
Started my 1 month holiday since 2 weeks ago and I jz came bac from my Genting trip with my lovely roomate,Peggy.
I'm so excited of it,not because I have been so long din put my stepped on it,just that this time I can play anything at outdoor theme park.
Everytime I went thr with my family,I just can breath with it's fresh air and took it bac.=D

We arrived thr around 5a.m. before dawn,it was freeking cold and both of us had a tired face.
First we went to take the number for checking-in the hotel,0107 is our number,WOW we get a shock when saw this number~!!After that went to McD for having our breakfast.

Outfit for the 1st day,SHIT~I'm fat


After playing,it's time to check-in but we found that it's not our turn yet.==
It's 12pm ard,but the number still on going till 73 only.

Spend our time at Starbuck while waiting to check-in.

At last we able to check -in at around 2pm.

I had also bought some chocolates over there since it is my favourite.
Overall,I quite enjoy my trip XD On the way bac to my sweet home,thr was a strong earthquake hit Sumatera and this causes many area feel it too,SO SCARY~~!!

I like to SMILE after I remove my braces.

Thats all for this post,thx for viewing =))

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