Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas Blast

Merry Belated Christmas People!!
I've celebrated it with my lovely friends,it's full of joy and happiness. XD
But unluckily,Santa din bless me,I had fever on X'mas Eve.Sighhh =(
Thats why I'm not in the good condition in most of the photos.

Taken on Christmas Eve

 25th was Peggy's Bufday,we went Batu Feringgi Beach to have some fun.

All of us are very enjoy.They played volleyball while I was sleeping on the beach.Hahax!!
At night,we went to the Library,Straits Quay.

She din expected her hubby will appear as her hubby was lying to her that he din go and purposely quarrel with her.Omg,although I'm the director of the bufday planning but I swear I din ask her hubby to quarrel with her.
She cried when saw him.My plan is successful =D

Like it very much although it's very blur

My bestie,Peggy

Christmas is over,next coming up is new year eve.Means 2011 gonna end.
Are u guys prepare to 2012?? 

Thursday 22 December 2011

Santa Claus is coming to town~

Hello reader,it's time to blog again.
Time pass very fast,2011 is going to end soon and welcome 2012!!
Will having my final exam at 31th this month.It's new year eve!!But how can I face it coz my study mood still din ON yet.Gosh!!

I'm busy with Peggy's bufday present this few days,hope she likes it.Will post it after her bufday.
Well,gonna post about Joey's Bufday Party.We had celebrated it after the event X'mas nite which is held by our college.



It's just a short post,will update it again.
Thanks for viewing my blog,Have a nice day =) 

Thursday 1 December 2011

Harlo December!

Alright,going to update my blog again.

Well,finished the test of this sem,means I'm going to sit for final exam for another 20++ days.
Yawn ** Can I reject it?I hate final exam as I'm not sure I can pass all the subjects.
Still hv one more presentation to do on this coming Monday.Wish me good luck.=))

I like outings!It lets us more close.
Wat a COLOURFUL life that I had and I promise I'll appreciate it.
Now share my happiness to all of you.

Beloved roommate.

Bestie Sunnie

Bestie Chlowie

Three of us

Oh ya!B4 I4gt,share sometin funny v u all.=DD
My 18years deciduous jz broke at yesterday night,hahax!Isn't it very funny?xp
Okay,that's the end for this post.Will update it soon.

Night people.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Peak days

Wat an awesome November for me.
I'd hang out v my sisters,no doubt,they are Peggy & Chlowie.

Gurney's Winter warmer >McD > Tong Pak Fu > Paradise

However,we reli enjoy ourselves dat day.
Especially me,cz dat day I jz finished my IT test.
Damn happy for me =D

Here are they

3 of us

Chlowie & I

Me & Peggy

I kinda like dis

Went VooDoo v Peggy few days ago.
Had watched an interesting Hair Design Competition thr.
This the 1st time I went to pub.
Not bad,the sound effect n the bass system is quite good.

Like dis the most.

I like her dressing style on dat day,not too mature n trendy enough.

Oohh~not forgetting,I'd watch 2 movies in dis month.
In Time & You Are The Apple Of  My Eye

Watch In Time v Chlowie

Ambigous is always the best,it remains my feeling on you.♥
(credit to You are the apple of my eye)

Friday 18 November 2011


I'm sad when I saw my grandpa so suffer but I cant help anytin.
We take good care of him as much as we can.
Everytime I visit him,he keep telling me that he is very suffer,gonna to die soon.
As a disease patient,he would choose to leave this world for not to continue suffering.

Yes my grandpa,we all noe dat.
But we are not willing to leave u.
We are trying our best to let u happy.
I noe dat day u are afraid us to leave u.
U don wan to slp although u r very tired.
U keep talking v sis as u noe dat sis cant cm bac always.
U noe?at dat moment we r very upset.
Tears r rolling in our eyes.
But it cant drop,cz u r more upset than us.

Plz b strong~
Lee's family will always <3 u,My handsome grandpa.

Sunday 6 November 2011

I miss

Seriously I miss my school life alot and also the uniform.
People are always like that.When they achieve the thing they wont appreciate.But when they lost the thing,they are regret.
I'm the one of 'em.
When I'm at secondary school,I always pray to become elder so that I can hav the freedoms.
But nw,I will more prefer school life.I miss that moment,and the person.

Share some pichas with the school look.

When we are going to present a dancing show

6 of us

In bilik persalinan

Jamuan Perpisahan

she is proposing to me..XD

Can u feel it?The happiness that I had at that moment.
Well,I'm sure most of u miss ur school life.=)

Ok,thats all for today.
Will blog it soon.

Friday 28 October 2011

Hello guys=)) I jz end up my 2 days of public holiday,enjoyed it much
Went to Queensbay Mall v Peggy 3 days ago
Had our lunch at Nippon Yataimura,a Japanese Restaurant

My Salmon Terriyaki

Not much to say about dat day,let the picha show u =)

She likes the spec very much dat bought at Daiso Japan

Funny =D

Such a tired day but yet,we enjoyed it very much =))

I'm wondering hw am I going to tk for the IOM test which is on next week =(
I don noe wat is it talking bout,Gosh. Hv to try my best however.

End the post v dis photo

Will update it soon,Stay Tune~

Tuesday 18 October 2011

It was a busy day for me as I hv to attend 2 hours of sport & 4 hours of lecture.
I HATE Tuesday & Thursday bcz of my time table.

I will hav a test for Macro & next week test for table tennis.
Why so many tests???
My table tennis's test is the same day v my eng. presentation.

I ♥ weekend.
It gives me a warm n lovely feeling.
I can meet my family & frens for these few days.
So friday,plz cm faster towards me.
I m waiting u~

Wednesday 12 October 2011


 Uh,I hate falling sick.
But actually I jz had diarrhea n vomit.
It was been infect by my 2nd niece.
My medicine

Luckily I had been fully recover=))
Can eat anything what I wan.Cheers~~

Had a nice day v my sisters.We planned to go Redbox as we <3 to sing.
Party time for us again!!

Both of 'em r vey enjoy themselves


More Photos
I <3 the moment been v 'em,they r my besties^^
Sisters 4ever~~


Wednesday 5 October 2011


Assignments Assignments Assignments!!
I'm crazy for them,can I stop doing it?
Reli tired for it.

Thursday is a bz day for me,cz I hv to stay at college from morning till 430pm.
Let the pics tell u bout it
Ai Phing,my cute classmate.
(Actually the laptop is mine,but she wanna use it to capture photo)
Joey,another cutie..

Finally my eng presentation outline had done,oh yeah!!
Still left the Acc Assignment,Gosh~

Hav to attend the class nw,bye~
Stay Tune for my next post.

P.S:Tarc library is freeking cold,Hahax!!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Started my Sem 2 college life.
I tin I'm gonna b bz in dis sem,seems lyk so much tins to done.
I din take part in any sport  last sem,so is a muz to join in dis sem.

By the way,outing v Peggy on the 1st day of sem 2.
Of cz Gurney is our choice as it's near from our college.
The 1st tin we gonna do after we arrived is Chatime!!

Mature look-Photo credits to Peggy
Shop around Gurney.
In the toilet


Thursday 15 September 2011

High Five!!

How could I describe my mood nw?
Happy?Yes,I am.
My final exam's result was released today.
Thx God I've passed all subject!!^^

I had worry dis days since last week.
I'm very nervous,worried till cant slp.
But nw,I can no worries for it.

Cut my fringe today.

I noe it's very sohai,but plz don laugh me><
My fringe grow very fast.


12th Sept was Zenon's bufday.
We celebrated it at Autumn Cafe.
Quite enjoy it dat day.
Chlowie & I ordered a plate of Bali Fried Rice.
It's super duper spicy!!><
Both of us keep drinking the water jz lyk to save the fire.

These r the cupcakes Chlowie gave Zenon.
Very special rite?

The new look of Zenon.
These r the tins dat his brothers gave him for play a fool v him
Zenon is so cute~

Not much photo for dat night.

Holidays gonna end soon.=(
Will start my college life on Monday.*sigh*
By the way,hope everytin will b ok.
