Saturday 24 September 2011

Started my Sem 2 college life.
I tin I'm gonna b bz in dis sem,seems lyk so much tins to done.
I din take part in any sport  last sem,so is a muz to join in dis sem.

By the way,outing v Peggy on the 1st day of sem 2.
Of cz Gurney is our choice as it's near from our college.
The 1st tin we gonna do after we arrived is Chatime!!

Mature look-Photo credits to Peggy
Shop around Gurney.
In the toilet


Thursday 15 September 2011

High Five!!

How could I describe my mood nw?
Happy?Yes,I am.
My final exam's result was released today.
Thx God I've passed all subject!!^^

I had worry dis days since last week.
I'm very nervous,worried till cant slp.
But nw,I can no worries for it.

Cut my fringe today.

I noe it's very sohai,but plz don laugh me><
My fringe grow very fast.


12th Sept was Zenon's bufday.
We celebrated it at Autumn Cafe.
Quite enjoy it dat day.
Chlowie & I ordered a plate of Bali Fried Rice.
It's super duper spicy!!><
Both of us keep drinking the water jz lyk to save the fire.

These r the cupcakes Chlowie gave Zenon.
Very special rite?

The new look of Zenon.
These r the tins dat his brothers gave him for play a fool v him
Zenon is so cute~

Not much photo for dat night.

Holidays gonna end soon.=(
Will start my college life on Monday.*sigh*
By the way,hope everytin will b ok.


Wednesday 7 September 2011

Sing K Day

The day after we stay at Janice house,we off to Penang Queensbay.
Dat is bcz Zenon hv to fetch his bro bac to Penang,so Chlowie jio me,Peggy & Sunnie oso.

Such a long time 4 of us din sing K together.
We sang for 5 hours,from 1pm till 6pm.
I had a bad sore throat nw jz bcz I keep singing.(Actually I dono whether I m singing or shouting.xp)

Chatime again!!^^
But too bad I din captured the pic of it & oso while we r singing in Neway.><(sry)
Traffic jam drives us crazy while we r on the way bac.*sigh*
We keep captured photos in the car.

End of dis post.=)

Tuesday 6 September 2011

My Holidays(Part 1)

Well,I'm having my holidays nw.
1 week Hari Raya holidays & 2 weeks Sem Break.

I reli do enjoy my 3 weeks holiday.
Spent it v my lovely familes & frens.=)

Tins dat I had done in dis holidays:
1.Celebrate my grandpa's bufday
2.Gathering v my relatives
3.Auto City v my 2 lovely sis
4.Oldtown & Yoshiya v them
5.Janice's bufday party
6.Penang day v 3 buddies

Wow!sounds lyk very awesome rite?
My holidays jz passed 1 week & 2 days but I had done so many tins.
Let the pichas show the talk nw.


Grandpa's Bufday

Lee's family
Click here for more photos.

Gathering v my relatives

Auto City

I look so ugly on dat day so I din captured any photo.><


Oldtown v dis siao zha bo

Janice's Bufday Party

Presents for her.
After the party,we stay at her house.
Chit chat all the way.
Such a long time din hv dis scene.=)
Poor elene still at Kampar having her exam.
But nvm,she is coming bac next week^^

Captured alots of photo b4 we slp.

I had post all of it on facebook,click dis if u wish to c more pichas.

I tin dis is the longest post in my blog.
As i'm so lazy to post them one by one.><
The post of "Penang day" will b update soon,so stay tune ya.

Okayyy,End of dis post.

GoodNight People=)))