Wednesday 7 September 2011

Sing K Day

The day after we stay at Janice house,we off to Penang Queensbay.
Dat is bcz Zenon hv to fetch his bro bac to Penang,so Chlowie jio me,Peggy & Sunnie oso.

Such a long time 4 of us din sing K together.
We sang for 5 hours,from 1pm till 6pm.
I had a bad sore throat nw jz bcz I keep singing.(Actually I dono whether I m singing or shouting.xp)

Chatime again!!^^
But too bad I din captured the pic of it & oso while we r singing in Neway.><(sry)
Traffic jam drives us crazy while we r on the way bac.*sigh*
We keep captured photos in the car.

End of dis post.=)

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