Friday 29 July 2011

Jz bac from Nan Hwa hospital for visiting my grandpa..I hope he will recover soon as all the Lee's family r worrying bout him=( Get Well soon~
Actually I lyk blogging,but sometimes dono wat to blog...Nw,tell bout my recently..
I will hv my final exam 2 weeks ltr,but I din prepare anytin..Gosh!!I m so terrible><
So far my college life is going smoothly,enjoy my life v my buddies..^^
I will meet my dentist dis Sunday,dono can remove my braces anot=( I'm waiting~~
Oh Ya!!Gonna download the last episode of "真相",I ♥ Keith so much!!He is very man & so charm!!(especially when he din wear spec)Dis r the tins dat Raymond Lam din hv..

The movie is very nice,but mayb I don lyk the ending cz Mavis & Keith din together,so disappointed..Both of them r very match!!
A new day is wating me~
Nitez ppl^^

Sunday 24 July 2011

Delicious Dinner

Last Sunday b4 fetch me bac to my hostel,I had a very delicious dinner v my family.

This's the restaurant

Vintage Bulgaria Restaurant & Bar
It is allocated at Tanjung Bunga.
I super recommend dis restaurant.Y?
The services r good + the foods r very delicious too,YumYum~
It is very suitable for those couples.
But the one dat I mz mention is the PRICE,it is not cheap.So if u hv a budget better don go.

This r the foods dat we order
Garlic Bread
Seafood soup
Roast Cod Fillet

 Grill Salmon Steak

Bulgarian Shashlik

Crown Roast Pork

Baby Pork Ribs


                                                                                                                              The End~

Sunday 17 July 2011

Movie Night

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows,the last part of all series.
I had watched it v my cousin,Kagan at Queensbay at midnight.
Am very enjoy myself when watching the movie.

Touching & intense,
dis r the feelings dat I had when watching it.
Emma Watson is very beautiful!!I her^^
The movie ends v 3 of them married v their lover & hv children d.
Means I cant watch Harry Potter again><so sad~~

After the movie,it was ard 2++a.m
We dabao Mcd b4 we bac home & chit chat till 4 sometin am.(Ard morning liao,XD)
I woke up at 11++ dis morning.
Feel sleepy & gonna take a nap nw.

Friday 15 July 2011

Family Trip~

在刚过去的weekend,我和家人去了KL & Genting...
On the way~




这就是我们住的budget hotel
只去了ikea 和 the curve.
I love dis lamp~quite beautiful..

                                  Found it at Ikea
The Curve~<3
第2天吃了午餐我们就去Genting Highland<3

Nobody nobody but u~


虽然很累,不过还蛮开心的 =))

Thursday 7 July 2011

Sweet Bufday~

Bfore I start,I want to say TQ to those who celebrate my Bufday.
Peggy,WeiYi, & Chlowie
Darwin,Rex,Zenon,Guan,Vincent,Jason & Kelvin
Thx to them cz they gv me such a Wonderful Bufday.

1st present,The Stars.
When I go bac my room,Peggy is not inside thr.
I feel dizzy so I laid on my bed.
Suddenly a lots of stars on my ceiling.
I gt a big shock!!
I noe it was their present for me.
It was so~~beautiful...
WeiYi told me dat it was done by her,Rex,Peggy & Darwin.
I was very happy..

2nd Present,RM100
After dat,they brought me to Zenon's house.
They want me to find 8 pieces of different papers.
And the most surprise is Maths Equation.

Here's the photo
After I gt the money
3rd Present,Bufday Card
Dis is the card dat they draw together.
No matter who draw it or colour it,
I oso lyk.
As long as it made by u all.

The photos before heading to Paradise

4th Present,Balloons
paiseh,I noe it's very ugly
Each balloon hv their bless & wishes.
There r 9 balloons,romantic rite?^^

5th Present,Bufday Cake
When the minute hand almost point to 12,
they started count down.
Chlowie ask a gang of ppl help to sing bufday song to me.
Ya,it was a Big Gang!

It was the 1st time dat so many ppl sang bufday song for me
I reli reli very hapi of dis
I keep saying thank you to them

Thousands of thx to all my frenzs,
they made me so touch & had a lovely bufday..<3
Thank You,Thank You,Thank You!!!^^

Pichas took at the Paradise Beach

Bye,Hav a nice day~