Wednesday 6 July 2011

Lovely Bufday~~(26th)

I'm so happy dat I had a lovely & sweet Bufday wif my family & frenzs...
Let's talk about family 1st..
We had an enjoyable lunch(steamboat) at New World Park..
The Restaurant dat we had our lunch
The price r very fair,wont too expensive..An adult only nids RM41 & included Sashimi...Cheap rite?
We ate for almost 4 hours,wat a big appetite!!I ate 18 scallops & 15 pieces of salmon..>< OMG,gonna b a fattie gal =(
We took a lots of pichas thr^^Now is the moment of sharing the pichas~~

Me & YeeThong

My bro ki siao liao...
Hapi Family<3
WenQian so Funny!!haha!!

At QueensBay~
Am I look lyk her mother??
My Yeye
Dis is how I celebrate wif my family,although it was simple,but it is meaningful to me...Thx to them & I Love Them~
& next,I will post the part dat I celebrate v my frenzs..

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